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Thursday, November 03, 2011

Islamic Terms


Certainty at the degree of witnessing: To know certainly to the extent as if seeing by eye or to believe to the same extent.

Great sins: There are seven great sins: Killing, adultery, drinking wine, stop visiting close relatives, gambling, bearing false witness, supporting the innovations that will harm the religion.

Great trust: Great trust and duty; the duties of worshipping to Allah.

Absolute certainty: The highest level of recognition;

Caliph on the earth: Acting on the earth on behalf of Allah and by the permission of Allah related to some matters.

Evidence: Bond, document, proof; document shown to prove that a claim is right.

Sedition: deteriorate, misguide, cause unrest, stir.

Natural need: Need felt naturally.

Certainty at the degree of knowledge: To know definitely through knowledge.

Belief in Allah: To believe in Allah.

Development: Improving, evolving, discovering, emerging; making progress.

Straightforwardness: Honesty, Acting honorably; direction, aspect.

Confidence: Believing, Knowing fully.

Possessing hand: Controlling hand. Under control.

Abundance: Plentitude, frequency, variety. Opposite of oneness, everything except Allah.

Book of the Eternally Besought: Book of the universe.

Stubborn unbelief: Being persistent in unbelief.

Absolute unbelief: Definite and full unbelief.

Whole: All, always, every, full, consisting of parts.

Wholly: Made up of parts or individuals of the whole, general, all.

Language of state: (used for something) Expressing a meaning with its standing and appearance.

Resort: Reference, place to be returned to, center, source.

Character: Temper, nature, creation, structure.

Responsible: Liable, in charge. Obliged to the something.
Apostate: A person who forsook from Islam.

Sharia: The right way, the true religious way, the religion Islam, all of the rules and laws of Islam.

Sharia of universe: the laws of creation Allah made in the universe.

Taqwa: Protect oneself from all sins, avoid the things that the religion forbids.

Instructing: teaching, training, educating.

Conveyance: Communicate, inform. Inform people about the orders and laws of Allah exactly.

Backwardness: derogating, recession.

Contemplation: Thinking, thinking deeply and carefully, considering.

Advancement: Progress, promotion.

Slavery: Being a slave, knowing that one is a slave and obeying Allah.

Divinity: Deity, Sovereignty of Allah and obedience and worshipping of everything in the universe to Him.

Conscience: The spiritual feeling inherent in man that can discern good and bad and that takes pleasure in doing good deeds and that feels pain in doing bad deeds.

Necessary existence: To be necessary to exist, to be impossible not to exist, His existence to be necessary and obligatory, to be indispensable.

Certainty: Knowledge that is too certain to doubt

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