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Thursday, November 03, 2011



The universe is a mirror showing the endless beauty and perfection present in the Personality of Allah. The beauties and arts seen in the construction of the beings in the universe came into being with the manifestation of many of Allahs names like Compassionate, Merciful, Almighty, Knower of All and Perfectly Wise.

An artist with a skill wants to see the beauty in him and to show it to others by exhibiting his art. Accordingly, Allah wanted to build a palace and lay tables in it. He wanted to entertain His dear guests, human beings. He wanted to show them the wonders of His art, the glory of His sultanate and the miracles of His might.

Similarly, the universe is a magnificent palace where Allah exhibits the glory of His Sultanate, His wealth, the wonders of His art, the miracles of His knowledge and power. The seal of that Sultan is stamped on each stone of this palace. The signature of this Artist is seen on each embroidery. Man is the most beautiful embroidery of Allah. The seal of humanity stamped on his face since the time of Hazrat Adam shows the seal of Allahs unity. That is, all humans are of the same form and structure. On the other hand, the difference on the face of each human being mirrors the seal of Allahs oneness.

Each work of art shows the art and skill of its artist. Man is the most beautiful work of art of all the beings in the universe created by Allah. All of the divine names that were manifested and that functioned in the creation of the universe are manifested in man too. Therefore man is the most perfect work of art that makes Allah known.

Allah created man for His own recognition and love. To know Allah and to love Him is the greatest duty of and most honorable rank of man. That is, man will see the divine names manifested in his own body and in the other beings of the universe and will know Allah by those names. He will love Allah through the beauty of those names and his love for Allah will increase accordingly.

Nafs (soul) is the greatest enemy of man. It obeys the orders of the devil and tempts man into bad deeds. In the world of man, there are some other feelings apart from nafs that tempts him into bad deeds. On the other hand, there are instruments like mind, heart and conscience that order him to do good deeds. So the doors of progress and backwardness are open in the inner world of man.

Therefore man has to be very careful and must not be tempted by the inculcation of nafs and the devil; he must ensure the sovereignty of mind, heart, conscience and belief in his world and keep away from bad deeds. So, this is the way to obtain the consent of Allah and the endless bliss.



On the one hand, cells written through atoms, organs formed by cells and human body emerging as a result of their common work.

On the other hand, soil merging with bacteria, the miracle of water arising from the togetherness of oxygen and hydrogen; seas, rivers.

The sky, sun and moon, adorned with stars in the distance

Everything, from atom to the sun, is heading towards the same target. All of the works and alliances are for man, who is the fruit of the universe; for the
spirit of man

That spirit is a guest in that body as well as in the universe; one of them is like his house the other is like his city. There is a close relationship between the body and the universeBoth of them are at his disposal. The properties of both are arranged for man Their forms, sizes, distances are all to house the guest in the best way...

Man and universe... One is likened to tree, the other to fruit.
The phrase little world is used for man, and the phrase big man for the world.
The most important indication of universe-man relationship is the fact that all of the world of beings was created out of the light of Muhammad.

This magnificent universe that was created out of that light phase by phase is represented in the nature of man with all of its worlds. Human mind reminds the Preserved Tablet; similarly the element of iron in man represents the iron mine in the world. More examples can be added to these two examples of spirit and the body.

Man is a unit of measurement, an index, a scale, and a balance to the truths of the universe. For example, an extremely decisive evidence of the existence of the Preserved Tablet in the universe and an example of it is the faculty of memory in man. And a decisive evidence of the existence of the World of Similitudes and an example of it is man's faculty of imagination. (Badiuzzaman Said Nursi, (Lemalar) Flashes, Thirtieth Flash, Sixth Point, p.347.).

When we pay attention to the close relationship between the eye and the sun, the food and the stomach and the air and the lungs, we seem to feel that man is almost adjacent to the tree of the universe as fruit is attached to the branch. The fact that we are attached to the earth with the force of gravity is an indication of it.

To forget man-universe relationship is a great barrier that closes the doors of thinking and thanking for man. Such a man almost isolates himself from this magnificent world and attaches himself to office, money, applauses, fame, love of admiration and anxiety of criticizing of people Since these are very small matters, a man attached to them becomes smaller spiritually and cannot make progress.

Whereas a man who sees himself standing near the tree of the universe, facing the eternal world and as a candidate for the endless bliss, ascends to a very high rank with his targets that leaves the universe far behind.

In Chapter al-Fatiha when the verse Thee do we worship, and Thine aid we seek (Chapter al-Fatiha ,1: 5.) is interpreted, attention is attracted to an important point: Even if a person prays alone, he says we not I On behalf of whom does he say we? One of them is the great congregation that prays in the mosque of the earth together with that believer. The other is all of the organs and cells of man that worship their Lord by fulfilling the duties assigned to them. Man means this congregation inherent in him when he says, Thee do we worship.

And the third congregation: The whole tree of the universe that yields the fruit of man is at work and worshipping. So man can say Thee do we worship by meaning the universe and everything in it.

So, man, as a fruit of the tree of the universe, was created with the capability of presenting all of his trees worshipping to his Lord.

Those who fulfill this duty are great men. To stand in front of such a congregation, to perform a general prayer with them is a great rank and a lofty glory.

A person who lives without paying attention to any of these and who is occupied with a small office or a small wealth in any part of the world is no more than a poor person who lost his capital of life.

A verse teaching that man is a greater being than the universe:

We did indeed offer the Trust to the Heavens and the Earth and the Mountains: but they refused to undertake it, being afraid thereof: but man undertook it― he was indeed unjust and foolish. (Chapter al-Ahzab 33: 72.).

The talent that was not the share for any being in the valley of belief, recognition and love was attached to the spirit of man. No matter what the reason was for the other beings to avoid undertaking the trust, an important lesson to draw from this verse is as follows:

Man is a worthy and honorable being who undertook a load that the heavens, the earth and the mountains avoided undertaking. This great man should not be drowned in small bodies of water, should not disappear in small accounts and should not derogate himself. Otherwise he will be very unjust and very foolish. And this lofty nature falls in a position lower than animals as it is stated in another verse.

Prof. Dr. Alaaddin BAŞAR

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