The implications in Old Persian Scriptures:
The religion of Persians was the oldest religion in the world after the Hinduism. Their holy writings were brought together in two sources called desatir and zend-avesta. In Desatir no: 14, there wrote some principles in relation to the religion of Islam and these sentences existed there with regard to the arrival of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): When Persians have a low level of morality, there will rise a light in Arabia. Their followers will uplift his throne, religion and everything. A building was made there (which points to Kaaba) and in it, there were plenty of idols to do away with. The people will worship by turning their faces towards it. Their followers will conquest Persia, Taus and Balh and numerous wise men of Persia will join them.
As it is evident from the lines above, the sun of Islam, which would rise centuries later, and its elevated Prophet have been quite clearly described. And there writes that this Prophet, whose reputations are very much praised, Ahmed and mercy for all beings, will uproot idols for good.
From existing parts of this book, Chapter of Yasht 13, part 129, the same truths are revealed once more and the person who will shatter the idols is mentioned as a mercy for all beings. As known, one of the names of the Prophet Muhammad is rahmeten-lil-alemin (the one who is a mercy for all beings).
The implications in Indian holy scriptures:
In Indian Holy Scriptures such as Paru 8, Khand 8, Adhya 8 and Shalok 5-8, the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is mentioned as follows: A soul discipliner mellacha (an alien language speaking and an inhabitant of an alien country) named Muhammad will come along with his companions. After his arrival, he washes himself in Raja, Punjabi, ang Ganj rivers They say, O you! The proud of mankind, the inhabitant of the land of Arabia, you have gathered a great power to kill the Satan. (Prof. Dr. Muhammed Hamidullah, The interpretation of The Holy Quran)
It is quite striking that the name of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is revealed as it is. The words the proud of mankind which read in the same lines are of the same meaning as the name of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), which is fahr-i âlem (the proud of humanity).
Buddha speaks of an elevated person who will honor the world after his death. The name of this person is matteya in Palice language, maitreya in the Sanskrit language, armidia in the Burmese language and this person will be mild-tempered and kind-hearted and call people to the right path. The meaning of the names that read in the news long before Buddha is mercy. As known, the Quran announces for the Prophet Muhammad in 21/107, We sent thee not save as a mercy for the peoples.
One of the manuscripts writes as follows, Buddha said: I am not the first buddha (guide) to come to the world, and will not be the last either. Some time later, another person will come to the world. He is also blessed, enlightened and someone extremely able in management. He will teach you the same eternal truths as I taught you Ananda asked, How will he be known? Buddha answered: He will be known as maitreya (mercy).
Pali and Sanskrit manuscripts write this blessed persons name as Maho, Maha, and Metta. The first two mean great illuminator and the last merciful, all of which are the attributes of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). As examined carefully, the names Mohamet and Mahamet, which indicate the original name of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), are derived from the words maha and metta.
Let us carry on our research on the Torah, Injeel (Bible), and Psalms of David. The most extensive research ever conducted on this point belongs to Huseyin-i Jisree. This Syrian scholar, who lived 1261-1327 according to the Muslim calendar, whose parents were descendent from the family of the Prophet Muhammad, took out 114 signs from the holy books in question in relation to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) and published them in his book entitled Risale-i Hamidiyye.
Even in Torah, which has the quality of most corrupted one of the old Holy Scriptures, there are these signs with regard to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): When he sees riders, horsemen in pairs, riders on donkeys, riders on camels, let him listen diligently, very diligently. (Isaiah xxı, 7)
The one of the two riders announced by the Prophet Isaiah (PBUH), who is riding a donkey here, is Jesus (PBUH). For Jesus (PBUH) entered Jerusalem on the back of a donkey. It is clear that the one on the back of a camel is the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH). He entered Medina on the back of a camel.
By the way, let us indicate here that in Bible translations the words faraklit and paraclete (perikletos) have been kept as they are whereas, in recent translations in Arabic translation this word is translated as muazzi (consoler).
In the scripture of Shueyb, the name of the Prophet Muhammad reads museffeh in the Torah, the literal equivalent of which is Muhammad. Also the equivalent of the name munhemenna in the Torah is again Muhammad (the dictionary meaning of Muhammad is praised many times) Apart from that, the name of Muhammad reads ahyed in the Torah, Ahmad in Bible.
We finish our topic with a hadith. My name is Muhammad in the Quran, Ahmad in the Bible, and Ahyed in the Torah.
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